What Solutions Does an ERP Provide

ERP stands for “Enterprise Resource Planning.” ERP solutions are defined differently by different companies, but a simple definition of an ERP are powerful business tools that can transform your business.

ERP integrates processes that help businesses to function. This includes inventory and order management, HR, accounting and CRM (customer resource management). ERP integrates these functions into one system. It creates a streamlined process throughout your entire organization.

Better Collaboration

Using ERP software aids in the synchronization of both reporting and automation in an enterprise. This allows employees to work from the same database, rather than have to manually merge data in order to create reports.

In the business of sales, an ERP can aid in automatically following orders into the financial system. This aids businesses in multiple ways:

  1. Aids order management departments to process orders more efficiently
  2. Helps finance departments to close books at a quicker pace
  3. Quickly understand the performance of the business as a whole

Improved Analytics

Typically, a company’s performance is measured in various methods. Using an ERP provides your business with the intelligence it needs in one single source. From the summary level to the transaction level, using an ERP gives you real-time transparency.

Using an ERP gives you a personalized experience. Everyone in your company has easy-to-use tools that do not require programming or technical resources. This gives you a true view of your company, including a clear supply chain snapshot, that leads to better intelligence.

Ability to Expand Globally

Living in 2020, any modern company must be driven by data, as well as innovative and able to adapt. Often this means expanding to a global market. Using an ERP helps your company to scale quickly and respond to needs in the global market.

Use ERP globally with tools that include multi-language, multi-currency, multi-country, and multi-brand stores. By using an ERP, you have the tools that will allow you to manage multinational operations and at a lower cost than traditional solutions.

Improved Productivity

Traditionally, many monotonous tasks such as report generating, inventory level monitoring, timesheet tracking, and order processing are unavoidable. These tasks are also known for taking many hours for employees to accomplish. Not only are these tasks known for being tedious but they are also prone to mistakes.

The right ERP solution can automate your most monotonous tasks, leaving your employees more time to work on other more important tasks. Not only does this increase productivity, but it also reduces room for error, increases efficiency and profitability.

Value of an ERP

When considering all the advantages of an ERP, it is clear that this is a necessary solution. Allow employees better access to information, enable employees to make quicker decisions, and reduce the need for unnecessary manpower on tedious tasks.

Give your business the opportunity to go global. Use ERP software for better business collaboration, and all at a lower cost. Break down barriers between the different areas of your business, contact MCA Connect, a Microsoft Dynamics ERP.