When choosing a small business to buy from, the majority of consumers will search online for those businesses in their area. This is why it is critical for new businesses to have a strong SEO (Search Engine Optimization) strategy in place to ensure their websites rank higher in local search results. But, how does this actually work? Here is a short guide to SEO for small business owners.

Here are the most important SEO components you need to apply to get relevant traffic to your small business blog. You can convert those traffic into real customers by giving useful information to your visitors. Here we split the SEO process into two parts On-Page and Off-Page optimization.

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On-Page Search Optimization

On-page SEO refers to all of the factors having to do with your website that affect how it is crawled, indexed, and ranked by search engines.

It includes everything from your titles and meta descriptions to the keywords in your content.

Some SEO Experts only focus on Off-Page SEO factors but that’s not most of the best SEO practitioners do. They concentrate on 70% of their time On-Page factors and 30% on Off-Page factors.

Here is the list of best On-Page SEO practices you need to do on Blurn Website Design Agency Sydney, Australia.

Create User-Friendly Website

Do you want to know how to create a website that converts? It’s easier than you think if you have a basic understanding of how users interact with your website. Without a user-friendly website, you are not going to get the kind of conversions that you want.

We recommend that you build a website for users not machines. You can build a website that represents a clean and simple layout which helps users easily understand your website.

Create important pages on your website

After creating a website, the first thing you need to create important pages for your business. Here are the essential pages you need to create for your small businesses are Home, About us, Services, Blog, Privacy policy, Terms of use and Contact us page.

Each page is filled with content that is relevant to that page and also makes sure that content that entices your audience to buy a product or service from you. Otherwise, they click the back button to leave from your page which increases bounce rate. Google considers bounce rate as a negative signal.

Keyword Research

Keyword research helps you to pick the right words to describe your site to potential customers. You can find and add primary keywords on your web pages which will help Google to understand your pages well.

You can find your primary keywords by analyzing your competitor website on Google Keyword Planner which offers the list of keywords that they are targeting.

Improve Loading Speed

The loading speed is one of the most important factors for your website; a slow loading page may be the reason why your visitors quickly lose interest and leave your website. Search engines such as Google give importance to fast loading sites on SERP result pages.

Optimize Images

You can easily optimize images automatically by using WordPress plugins or an online tool called TinyPNG. And also add ‘alt text’ for each image which helps search engines to understand your page.

Meta Title and Description

Write a unique meta title and description for each page will help Google to understand your page well. And include your main keyword in the introduction of the Meta title.

Keyword in URL

Adding the primary keyword in the URL will help Google to understand what you are covering. Based on this they display your page to relevant users on Google.

Content Marketing

Content is the great way to promote your products and services. For example, if you are a plumber, you can create a blog post all about the best ways to fix a leaky sink, and then mention your website at the end of the post.

If someone reads your blog post, they will consider visiting your Services page to check what services you are offering and if he finds it impressive, interesting or convincing, he will book your service.

Outbound LInks

Adding your niche related outbound high authority website links on your content is recommended because Google loves quality external references linking back to your websites and gives your website a higher ranking score..

Internal Links

Internal links will help pass link juice from the home page to other pages. If you do internal links properly it will help rank internal pages on your website without using backlinks.

Fix Broken Old Links

Links are broken—meaning they no longer point to your website. If you’re an SEO expert, you know that broken links are problematic for your site’s SEO. Fixing these links is the perfect way to ensure your site looks good to search engines.

Off-Page SEO

Off-Page SEO is what you do outside of your website to improve your ranking in Google. The reason Off-Page SEO is important is because of a concept called Link Juice. Link juice is a positive ranking signal and more link juice is better.

Here is a list of Off-page SEO best practices you need to implement on your small business website.

Link Building

You can get quality backlinks automatically if you write a well researched trendy topic in your niche. Your niche websites will cite, reference and share your content with their audience if your content is well researched.  This is the organic way to build quality backlinks and you can also build links manually by using Outreach and Guest Post methods but it is time consuming.

Google and the various search engines add credits to your web pages if your brand mentions, added naked URLs and backlinks are found on external sites.

Social Media Pages

Every business needs social media pages because the larger public which includes most of your potential target audience is using social media sites for a plethora of purposes especially fun, engagement, connections, knowledge, communication. news & entertainment and what not. If your business has a strong presence in social media sites like Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and Whatsapp Business, it enables your business to have added advantage over your competitors.

If your business has good presence in social media and also found to be very active in those social media, then the search engines give priority for your website in the search results due to higher SEO scores your website has received.

Google My Business

Google My Business is one of the most powerful ways to get new customers for your small business. It can drive local traffic to your store, get you noticed by new customers, and help you build your brand locally.

It is a business profile you can create on Google My Business which enables your business information to be displayed on several Google properties like Google Map and more.

Youtube Tutorial

Youtube has become an indispensable personal and social platform and hence, indisputable marketing tool. You can create quality video content in your niche and publish it into Youtube to drive quality traffic to your site.


Though SEO is a time consuming process, but highly rewarding in the long run. If as a small business, you do have the time and wherewithal, you can buy the service from established, experienced and well-versed SEO campaigners. They understand your custom needs, undertake the necessary steps and implement SEO for your small business effectively to help you achieve your long term objectives.

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