Definition Social Media Marketing(SMM)

Social Media Marketing is marketing using social media as a medium. It includes ALL those actions that we do in our company, and that has to do with Social Media. It is usually a part of the digital marketing strategy, along with SEM, SEO, SMO.

Many times you will have heard Social Media Marketing referring exclusively to paid advertising on social networks. As with SEM, we often use these broad concepts to refer to specific things. A strategy for publishing on social networks (the work that famous community managers do) is also part of the SMM.

Paid advertising on social media

As I said before, we are going to focus more on this specific aspect of Social Media Marketing, which is what gives more “fear” (or respect) to entrepreneurs. Paid advertising consists of the insertion of advertisements in different networks to reach their users and an effective Social Media Agency can help you in it..

These are campaigns that, well done, can be tremendously useful. The advantage of social networks is the immense segmentation capacity that they allow us. We can reach the audience that we want to impact. The significant disadvantage is that we can annoy users a lot, making them come to hate our brand instead of just the opposite.

Then, in each network, you can make different ads, reach a different audience.

Four major social platforms for advertising

Facebook Ads

Facebook was one of the first networks to launch paid advertising as a financing method. At first, it caused rejection, doubts, fear.  But now they have been overcome all the initial problems have. Now Facebook has a complete advertising platform (almost, almost like AdWords).

The social network allows us to make various types of ads: on the user wall, on the sides.

Twitter Ads

Surely you’ve ever seen that “promoted trend” out there on the Trending Topics. And is that Twitter allows you to promote from a TT to update on the wall, an account … A tad younger than advertising on Facebook, even so, we can say that Twitter Ads is one of the oldest in the sector.

Advertising on Instagram

Instagram allows us to advertise in Spain. Now, considering that Instagram has become the fastest growing social network in the world. Advertising on its platform is more than exciting. The format, in this case, is exclusively image, logically, but that does not mean that the possibilities are more limited.

Advertising on LinkedIn

This social network has a very different target and audience than the rest. It is the professional network par excellence, but this does not mean that there can be no advertising on it. In fact, well used, LinkedIn advertising can be beneficial for attracting new customers or leads.

Like the previous ones, it has an advertising management platform, a bit more essential than the other two, but just as useful.