
In this article, we will dive into the data collection practices of mental health apps. We will discuss what types of data these apps collect, how they use this data, and what risks there are for users’ privacy. We will also offer tips on protecting your privacy when using mental health apps. In recent years, there has been a surge in the popularity of mental health apps. These apps provide different kinds of features, such as mood tracking, journaling, and therapy sessions, and they can be a valuable resource for people who are struggling with their mental health.

However, there is growing concern about the data that these apps collect. Mental health apps often collect personal user information, including their moods, thoughts, and behaviors. According to PIA, over 80% of tested mental health apps were found to collect personal data. This information can be used to target users with advertising or to sell it to third-party companies. There is also a risk that this data could be used to discriminate against people with mental health conditions. For example, an insurance company might use data from a mental health app to deny coverage to someone with a history of depression.

The Rise of Mental Health Apps

Mental health apps have become standard for individuals to access guided meditation, stress relief exercises, and virtual therapy sessions. With the rising awareness of mental health problems, these apps promise users a confidential and personalized experience tailored to their unique needs. However, the convenience of these applications raises questions about how they handle the vast amount of sensitive information users willingly share.

Many people use mental health apps because it seems like their only option. About 1 in 5 people in the States alone suffer from some mental health condition. And these people generally have little access to proper treatment. Sometimes, mental health applications are the only available access to emotional and mental help. And while these platforms may look great on the surface, these applications have good and bad points that must be explored.

What Types Of Data Do Mental Health Apps Collect?

Mental health apps collect a wide range of data about users, including:

  • Personal information, such as name, email address, and date of birth.
  • Demographic information, such as age, gender, and location.
  • Health information, for example, medical history, medications, and symptoms.
  • Usage data, such as how often users use the app, what features they use, and how long they spend using it.
  • Content data includes the text of users’ journal entries, the audio of their voice recordings, and the images they upload.

The Potential Risks Due To These Apps

While mental health apps aim to assist users, the extensive data they collect raises concerns about user privacy and security. The risks associated with data collection in these apps include:

  • Data Breaches: As with any digital platform, mental health apps are susceptible to data breaches. Users’ sensitive information could be compromised if the security measures are insufficient.
  • Third-Party Access: Some mental health apps share data with third-party companies for analysis or advertising. It raises the possibility of users’ mental health information being used for targeted advertising or other purposes without their explicit consent.
  • Stigmatization: In certain situations, the exposure of mental health data could lead to stigmatization or discrimination. For example, if an employer gains access to an employee’s mental health records, it may impact their professional standing.
  • Inaccuracy in data: The mental health applications thoroughly analyze all your available data, but misrepresentation could finally lead to some inaccurate interventions or recommendations.
  • Storage for a long term: Several apps do not disclose the time duration for which they store the users’ data or the security level of their warehouse. It increases the chances of personal data being compromised in a breach or leak.
  • Emotional manipulation: The detailed insights and information of the users’ mental state put them at risk of specific emotional manipulation for political campaigns, advertising, or other purposes.
  • Integration with several other services: A few of the mental health applications also link your existing account with smart home devices as well as other devices. It lets others create specific detailed profiles of the users and exploit them easily.

The efficacy of these online options is lacking in substantial treatment. Instead of mental health apps basing their legitimacy on facts, they use testimonials, short-term studies, and research studies from groups that already promote the application. Also, some people have experienced a worsening of symptoms after using mental health apps. These platforms often point out the problems and symptoms without providing specific tools to address them.

How Can We Protect Our Privacy When Using Mental Health Apps?

There are several things we can do to protect our privacy when using mental health apps, including:

  • Read the privacy policy: Before downloading a mental health app, read its privacy policy carefully to recognize how your data will be collected, used, and shared.
  • Only share the information you are comfortable with: Don’t feel obligated to share all of your personal information with a mental health app. Only share the information necessary for the app to provide services.
  • Limit your app permissions: When you download a mental health app, you may be asked to grant specific permissions, like access to your location or contacts. Only give the app the licenses that it needs to function.
  • Be careful about what you share in the app: Even if you trust a mental health app, be cautious about what information you share. Avoid sharing sensitive personal information that could be used to identify you.
  • Delete your data if you stop using the app: If you stop using a mental health app, delete your account and data from the app.


Hence, mental health apps can be valuable for managing mental well-being. However, it is essential to be aware of these apps’ risks associated with data collection. You can use mental health apps safely and effectively by taking steps to protect your privacy. Striking a balance between providing adequate mental health solutions and respecting user privacy is essential for these digital tools’ continued growth and acceptance in mental health care. If you have any concerns about your privacy rights, consult an attorney.