Email Marketing Tips to Strengthen Your Brand

Email marketing is among the most impactful promotional practices industries leverage to foster customer relationships, exhibit their brand, and offer exclusive discounts.

Over 90% of marketers even report email as the most critical channel to reach target consumers due to its engagement rates of nearly 23%, compared with those of social media at 0.6%.

So, if you’re struggling to strengthen your brand, engage your shoppers, and boost your sales and revenue, sending the right promotional emails can help.

In this guide, we’ve shared five email marketing tips from the top email marketing services company to help you do all that, plus get optimum value out of your campaigns and cultivate your customer relationships.

1. Add your unique email signature.

Inserting an email signature into your electronic messages lets you introduce your brand more engagingly than merely signing your name.

Email signatures work like a business card but are supercharged with more useful information and marketing tricks to impact your business performance.

They are inexpensive, low-risk, yet highly rewarding — making them profitable marketing techniques, especially for startups and small online businesses.

Aside from promoting your brand, email signatures allow you to showcase your business offers, set appointments, invite customers to your events, and more.

Email signatures include your essential details (name, company, job title, contact info) and other creative elements.

For a personal touch, add a digital handwritten signature to bolster your personal and company brand. Use this nifty, easy-to-use signature generator by WiseStamp:

Add your unique email signature.

The tool lets you draw your signature with your mouse, stylus, mouse pad, or touchscreen on a designated box, like this:

Add your unique email signature 1

You can pick your desired colors (ideally matching your branding identity, etc.), set a transparent background, and redo or delete your initial creation.

Once you’re okay with the drawn signature, download it or add it to a previously made email signature by clicking the corresponding buttons below the sketch box.

If you don’t have a pre-made email signature yet, get creative and add other marketing elements, such as these two essentials:

Social media links

Social media buttons, links, or icons are discreet ways to invite your subscribers to check out your social pages.

There, they can discover, interact, and further build relationships with your brand (leading to conversions and purchases).

These social links also tell your customers about your online social networks and serve as extra points of contact for their feedback, inquiries, and progressing buyer journeys.

Calls-to-action (CTAs)

No matter what you include in your email signature, spur your readers to take action by adding CTA texts or — better yet — clickable buttons.

Be straightforward and concise when phrasing your CTAs and use active verbs telling customers what to do, such as Download your ebook, Sign up for a demo, Shop now, etc.

Insert hyperlinks into your CTAs leading them to your intended landing pages or events (e.g., downloading the material, playing your audio or video clip).

2. Offer value

Many email newsletters come across as self-serving — concerned primarily with what they can get from their customers rather than the other way around, flooding them with hard-selling ads.

Differentiate your brand from those noisy newsletters by offering genuine value in your emails.

Listen to your customers, address their primary pain points, and show them how your content and products can be the solution they’re looking for.

Don’t stick to messages that only involve selling, but diversify your sales newsletters with helpful content, particularly if this is your first interaction with certain members.

Share free resources, such as guides, ebooks, online courses, case studies, quizzes, and others. Giving away vouchers, discounts, and other freebies is also a great idea.

By doing this, you establish trust and meaningful relationships with your readers, who will find it easy to look forward to more of your emails and patronize your brand.

Once you’ve provided sufficient value and gained their initial buy-in, you can effortlessly present your current and future products and entice them to purchase.

Also, streamline creating, organizing, and accessing relevant and compelling content for your email newsletters and other campaigns by using content marketing software with comprehensive features.

This helps speed up your workflows, allowing you to create content and run your campaigns more efficiently.

3. Send specific kinds of messages to the right audiences.

Email marketers often make the mistake of sending one-size-fits-all communications to their subscribers.

However, if you want to strengthen your brand, retain your mailing list, and convince them to keep buying, you should send the right messages to specific kinds of readers.

Segment your subscribers according to various criteria and then send appropriate messages for each group.

Here are sample segments and messages:

  • Demographics: by age, gender, location (this is especially useful for announcing local events), income level, company position, etc.
  • Personal Interests: parenting, gardening, baking, pets, surfing, music, technology, etc.
  • Customer journey stages: welcome emails for first-time subscribers, cart abandonment emails for bottom-of-the-funnel members, and others.
  • Quiz or survey results: delivering emails associated with their answers and results
  • Times last purchased: regular customers get emails about upgrading plans, new items and product features, promotional offers, and products you’re upselling;

One-time buyers receive messages giving personalized discounts, exhibiting your strengths and value propositions, and reminding them of repurchasing or renewing subscriptions.

  • Website behavior: based on pages visited and unexplored, videos watched (and for how long), missed sections related to a visited page, and more.

Send different messages to audiences grouped by these and other factors to cultivate their customer journey, experience, and interest in your brand, products, and sales offers.

Additionally, creating specific email marketing messages for multiple segments often takes a lot of time and effort, making it crucial to streamline your content creation process.

If you want a tailor-fit solution to help speed up your email marketing campaign workflows, create your own app.

For instance, you can create an internal app specifically designed to improve your unique business dynamics, allowing you and your team to collaborate and work more efficiently.

If you use Azure DevOps to create your app, auto-back up your codes, Azure instances, and data regularly with Backrightup.

Doing so keeps your codes secure and you’ll have the peace of mind knowing you can recover your data easily in case of issues or accidental deletion that lead to data loss.

4. Be consistent.

Finally, remain consistent with your email marketing campaigns to establish your identity and gain your subscribers’ trust.

After all, if you project your store in a certain way now and then differently the next, you confuse your customers and make them think you’re unprofessional, fickle, and unreliable.

Align your newsletters’ designs with your branding identity in the forms of colors, font styles, layout, and others.

Consider also delivering your messages on similar schedules and frequency, so your readers know when to expect hearing from you.

Consistency in your email marketing campaigns while providing value — even if it takes months or years — helps put your brand at the top of your subscribers’ minds.

It’s also crucial to align your branding in your email marketing messages and across all your communication channels.

For instance, if you’re using Artificial Intelligence (AI) chatbots for customer service, ensure your logo, colors, and other appropriate elements are visible for consistency. This helps promote brand recognition in your customers and prospects.

Strengthen your brand through high-quality email marketing

Successful email marketing is more than a mere catchy subject line and persuasive selling copy. It’s about introducing a trustworthy brand and giving tangible value to your customers.

Through these and other email marketing tips, you can deliver meaningful campaigns that naturally turn into profitable, high-performing sales activities for your online store.