CyberSecurity Tips

Businesses are always exposed to security threats. Even small businesses are prone to cyber attacks like identity theft. This is why it’s important that you invest in modern IT solutions that protect your business from the attacks of cybercriminals. Otherwise, your data and finances will be at great risk.

Adhering to the best security practices in safeguarding your company/client data and your network environment is crucial in this digital age. You can protect your business from malicious attacks by implementing these 7 cybersecurity tips: 

1. Set up a Firewall

A firewall is your first layer of defense against cyber attacks. It serves as a barrier that hides away your data from cybercriminals. A lot of businesses set up internal firewalls to beef up their security.

If you have employees who are working from home, you must have them use firewall software support on their home network, too. Consider protecting your Office 365 data from Ransomware, malicious software that attacks your data, and locks your computer. 

2. Implement a BYOD Policy

Companies must have an updated Bring Your Own Device (BYOD) policy if they allow their staff to use their computers, smartphones, and tablets for work. See to it that you document a policy that emphasizes and reminds workers to observe maximum security precautions. Ensure that your employees install automatic security updates. Implement a password policy that applies to all devices accessing your network. 

3. Put your Cybersecurity Policies Onto Paper

Cybersecurity measures must be properly documented to enforce awareness in your employees. Determine cybersecurity best practices and how to document them.

4. Observe Safe Password Practices

Data breaches often happen because passwords are too weak, stolen, or lost. For companies that follow a BYOD setup, it’s critical that the devices of employees are password-protected, especially that they’re accessing your company network. A great password consists of a combination of numbers, uppercase and lowercase letters, and symbols. As much as possible, passwords must be changed every 60 to 90 days. 

5. Have a Data Backup

Always assume that attacks like data breach are likely to happen no matter how rigid you practice safety precautions in your company. Err on the side of caution by regularly backing up documents, spreadsheets, financial files, databases, and all other critical files. Make sure to back up every data stored on the cloud. Data backups must be stored in a totally separate location. 

Local storage of data may not always be secure, and you run the risk of data loss if you only back up your data in one physical location. Consider using cloud storage and backup solutions. They allow you to store your data on encrypted servers that have several redundancy points. 

6. Audit and Restrict Sensitive Data Access

Limiting exposure is a way to rule out security issues. Hardware and data should only be accessible to staff who urgently need it. Make sure to audit access privileges from time to time. Revoke the access of employees that are no longer connected with your company. 

7. Educate Your Employees

Educate Your Employees

Employees are primarily the source of lost, stolen, or leaked data. The majority of security issues happen because of inadequate user training. All your employees must undergo training on all applications and systems they use in their jobs, focusing on functionality and the best cybersecurity practices. Employees should have basic knowledge of how to make strong passwords and determine phishing scams. 

If you need an expert in setting up important IT solutions for you, consider tapping a managed IT service provider like BrantTel. Managed IT services providers specialize in assisting businesses in developing a cybersecurity plan.