Secure your Online Activities

Australia is a country that attracts thousands of people every year. Some visit the country for business, others come here to take in some of the most amazing destinations in the world. More still are planning to stay for longer as they arrive in the country to study or because they found a job here. The country is a land of opportunities for many across the world.

However, before you embark on the journey, there are some things to prepare for. In light of recent happenings, securing your online presence sits at the top.

Cybercrime is on the rise

In recent years, a new menace has started to rear its ugly head. Cybercrime is the digital version of robberies, a nuisance that many of us are familiar with. It is an organized crime where certain elements try to plant a virus in individual or company systems. Their motive is to steal information and cause financial losses or disrupt businesses.

The rise of cybercrime in the last few years has been unprecedented. According to one report, it is expected to cost almost $6 trillion worldwide. Australia is a booming economic hub and it is not impervious to cybercrime either. Although government authorities have been on their toes about raising awareness and controlling the rate of cybercrime, these elements seem to be a step ahead all the time.

Threats that travelers face in countries like Australia

Cybercrime is evolving so rapidly that it becomes difficult to keep track of it. Some different types of attacks that have been reported under this banner include ransomware, malware, Trojans, man-in-the-middle, Denial of Service, and numerous others. Travelers can face threats like these if they were to connect with the public or other unsecured wi-fi services in the country.

The most common way for a hacker to infect a device is by tracking the IP address. This is easy is they are able to become part of the same network as you are. On a public wi-fi, this is easy because anyone can ask for the password to use it. It is imperative to take steps to hide your IP address and the whole digital traffic to make sure these threats are kept at bay.

Steps to secure your digital privacy

There are a few things that people traveling to Australia can do to protect themselves. The first few are related to awareness:

  • Know about potential threats: Read and learn about the prevalent cybercrime activities in the country that you are traveling to. Most viruses are being sent to users through email attachments in familiar formats like MS Word and Excel. Make sure you verify an email thoroughly before opening it. Also, avoid filling personal information in any pop-up surveys or questionnaires which may appear while browsing.
  • Keep your software updated: When software goes out of date, it means that developers are no longer providing support for it and that it is now vulnerable to hacking. Make sure that you update all your programs regularly.
  • Use effective tools: Have a credible antivirus on all devices. Another effective tool to safeguard against cybercrime is a VPN. Make sure you pick a reliable service especially when traveling.

How a VPN protects you while you travel?

A VPN provides comprehensive online security to users both inside and country and while in transit. It works by masking the IP address. This is done by rerouting the data traffic through to a secure server and then to the website where the request was being sent in the first place. In this way, the real identity of the person is hidden behind a safety barrier.

If you are traveling to the country, make sure you have a trustworthy Australia VPN installed on every device that you carry.