Internet Privacy Issues

It seems that more and more people have concerns about their online privacy. However, for someone who has not bothered paying attention to this subject, it may be difficult to figure out why that is the case.

You may be surprised. This article will give you plenty of reasons why it is necessary to fortify one’s online privacy and what are the potential threats.

Issue #1 – Public Internet Networks

For the most part, the internet network at your home should have the necessary security protocols. Only those with a password have access, and since you are paying for the internet, the provider ought to ensure that everything is in order as far as security goes.

However, when you want to access public networks at places like cafes, hotels, or libraries, these usually offer free Wi-Fi. In other words, it is the internet available to everyone who has a device with a wireless connection feature. Smartphones, tablets, and laptops are a few examples of such devices.

Public networks lack security, and connecting to them openly is not a good idea. You need a virtual private network that can hide your tracks.

Check popular VPN services reviewed by Reviewsdir for some suggestions. As a rule of thumb, a reliable VPN service should cost about a few dollars per month.

Virtual private networks create a tunnel that allows you to access content as if you were from another location. Moreover, you can choose from a variety of available IP addresses. Besides privacy and security, a VPN will also allow you to reach geo-restricted content.

For instance, if you want to browse a Chinese website but you have a European IP address, the chances of you getting blocked are rather high. Meanwhile, a VPN would give you a Chinese IP address and allow you to browse the sites without issues.

You may be tempted to go for a free VPN service. Do not bother with those. If you cannot spend money, it is better not to use a virtual private network then, as sticking to a free version will backfire and cause issues.

Issue #2 – Search Engine User Tracking

Search Engine User Tracking

Search engines may claim that they do not keep tabs on user browsing history and other data, but the reality is quite different.

Those ads you see while surfing the net may seem too good to be true at times, right? It is as if someone knows what you were thinking and sends an appealing deal.

Google, Bing, and Yahoo may be the most popular search engines, especially Google, but you need to understand that they abuse privacy and sell your data to advertisers.

Instead of sticking to the big three, why not try a different alternative? DuckDuckGo is an up-and-coming search engine that is known for its respect for the users. It does not collect information about you, nor does it sell it to advertisers that would love to profit from unsuspecting people.

Issue #3 – Oversharing on Social Media

It is easy to get caught up in social media and start sharing your personal life details without you realizing it. Even if you have a close circle of friends, do not underestimate how someone might follow your every post and jump at an opportunity to take advantage of it.

Limiting social media use is a good piece of advice in general, given how addictive some of these websites can be. But when it comes to online anonymity, you are not doing yourself any favors by posting personal information.

Sure, it may be nice to keep in touch with your friends and see what they have been up to, but this comes at a price. Pay attention to what you share on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and other problems.

Make sure that a picture or another type of content you share is free up incriminating details or personal information like addresses or phone numbers. And it is not just your details that are important. Keep in mind that sharing something of another person is also not good behavior.

Issue #4 – Identity Theft

Identity theft is reaching unseen levels. According to BBC, there were nearly 100 thousand cases of identity theft recorded in the first half of 2017. The number has grown even more in the last few years.

It seems that people are not careful enough and overshare information or do not pay attention. A scammer may be lurking and waiting for an opportunity when you may enter your password or other details. If information like this gets into the wrong hands, you can expect negative consequences, including identity theft.

Issue #5 – Mobile Apps

Mobile Apps

Mobile apps usually ask for permission to access your location. You would be better off denying this access. And if denying it prevents you from certain app features, it is a big red flag meaning that the app is most likely shady and wants to take advantage of you rather than provide valuable services.