Industrial automation Parts repair and service center

Programmable Logic Controller is a little modern PC with redid control measures naturally planned secluded parts. PLC is regularly utilized in plants to control police, siphons, lights, transport lines, boilers, fans, circuit breakers, and other hardware.

HMI is the primary concern of correspondence between a machine and interaction. Bangladesh Automation Technologies is one of the major computerization organizations in Bangladesh. Bangladesh Automation Technologies is a PLC Inverter HMI purchase and administrations focus. A well-planned HMI control framework works just with the Programmable Logic Controller and gives an administrator HMI enacted capacities.

Industrial automation process

Where PLC, HMI, VFD are generally utilized including PLC, and HMI is one of the most principal parts of the modern control framework. The HMI is initially working with PLC. A variable recurrence drive is here and there called a recurrence inverter. It is additionally called standard speed drive, the essential working guideline is that an AC engine changes the force supply of a VFD with a simultaneous recurrence and voltage change between an engine speed and yield force of the engine.

Mechanical robotization or industrial facility computerization is a control framework, for example, PCs or robots and data advancements to oversee various types of cycles and apparatus in an industry to supplant an industry. The mechanical computerization control framework is one more course of automation in the extent of present day industrialization

HMI Common Uses

HMI, programmable rationale regulator, and data sources speak with yield sensors and view and show data for clients. HMI Screens can be generally utilized for observing and following, performing more progressive exercises, or utilizing more complex exercises, which can be utilized to speed up or speed up.

HMI utilizes HMI to upgrade a mechanical cycle by digitizing information for a watcher and concentrating on an everyday interaction. By utilizing the item through Human Machine Interface, administrators used to see the data showed on diagrams, graphs, or advanced dashboards and to see cautions and oversee alerts and associate with a Programmable Logic Controller with Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition and MES frameworks.

Industrial repairing service

Our talented and expert computerization engineers deal with your site units, taking care of and controlling your machine, and are consistently prepared to associate everything in your machine or the creation line and consistently introduce them in the creation line. Free running and units are, for the most part, the exercises associated with the necessary energy and administration sources.

Bangladesh Automation Technology is one of the most mind-blowing gadgets fix focuses in Bangladesh. Our gadgets lab administration focus is very exceptional for your mechanical, electronic fix needs. Our specialists routinely fix different PLC, inverter, HMI, modern control just as other mechanical, electronic gear. We can convey your item to you by fixing it rapidly without forfeiting quality. Our first objective is to offer quality support at a cutthroat cost consistently.

Present-day control frameworks utilize a programmable rationale regulator (PLC) to control valves, siphons, engines, and different machines utilized in an interaction. You can speak with the PLC control framework with a PC-based modern HMI-based control item. Thus, an all-around arranged blend of PLC and HMI will fill in as a strong establishment for business measure robotization needs.

If your business needs support from both PLC and HMI, you can contact Bangladesh Automation Technologies. We offer PLC and HMI programming to various customers. With our insight into current improvement stages and comprehensive control framework history, we can demonstrate innovation that will upgrade your mechanical control measure abilities. Bangladesh computerization advances are PLC Inverter HMI purchase and administrations focus.

Why Electronics Repair is important?

PLC inverter HMI administration and the fix is an interaction that implies reactivating a flawed gadgets gadget. Plc inverter HMI or electronic gadgets can be fixed by contributing a modest quantity of cash thinking about the price tag of that gadget. So for all time, eliminating the gadget isn’t generally a savvy choice. In case you are thinking about a decent hardware fix focus that will give you a decent financial reaction.

The primary benefit of fixing flawed hardware gadgets is setting aside cash just as lessening personal time. We have broad involvement with the maintenance of various sorts of intricate mechanical gadgets. Our experts will visit your site and attempt to fix it in the press. Then again, you can send your flawed apparatuses to our lab (PLC, HMI, and VFD). Then, at that point, we’ll discover the issue and examine with you about the expense and conveyance time. In the event that you need a speedy stockpile, you should advise us previously, and we’ll reveal to you the quickest conveyance time.

Our perspective might resolve the best mechanical mechanization in Bangladesh; we put stock in quality and administrations. We’ve encountered designers and professionals to furnish you with the best assistance as help. Moreover, we might want to give a financially savvy choice for customers to guarantee great usefulness and administration.


Bangladesh automation technologies are one of the best PLC Inverter HMI buy and services centers in Bangladesh. We have very professional industrial automation engineers and a well-equipped automation product (PLC, HMI, VFD, and Servo) service center. For this reason, we can assure you that we can provide you with quick service. You will be glad to know that we provide automation service in your factory or your industry if you have a small problem or if you require urgent service. For this reason, you may contact us to get your reliable and authentic service.