Discover Online Stock Trading

Online trading is a trendy job, and stocks are a popular instrument. Today, it is an essential alternative to offline sources of income. Traders may work wherever they are using computers and mobile devices. They access the global stock exchange to purchase the equity of the largest corporations. There are two avenues — stocks and CFDs.

Traders of the 21st century may choose between ownership of shares and leveraged derivatives like Contracts for Difference. The latter allow them to capitalise on stocks they do not even own. Here is how.

Fundamentals of Stocks and Shares

Today, both terms are used interchangeably. The difference is subtle — in some contexts, the term shares denotes separate units of stock. Stocks are traded on a stock exchange. These are securities issued by publicly traded companies. The most historically stable ones are known as blue chips.

When traders purchase actual stock, they acquire ownership of a fraction of the business. This makes them entitled to a portion of profits (dividends) and voting rights. Through a publicly-traded company, you can gain exposure to international economic growth.

Investors use stocks as an instrument for long-term gains. They may hold on to their shares for years and even decades, receiving regular dividends. Sometimes, stocks are passed over to posterity as an inheritance.

Traders, on the other hand, focus on short-term changes in the prices. They buy and sell shares frequently, as their profit is based on the difference between entry and exit prices. Thus, investment and online stock trading in South Africa are two different agendas. So, what are the opportunities for short-term speculators?

Advantages of CFDs

Traders do not have to purchase actual securities to profit from the stock exchange. Instead, they may choose virtual derivatives whose value is linked to these underlying assets. For instance, instead of buying actual shares of Apple, one may invest in CFDs linked to the same asset. Profit will be purely price-based. The broker pays the difference between the entry and exit points.

Internet-based trading services allow you to invest directly or indirectly. The offerings include equity of such giants as Facebook, Nike, Netflix, Zoom and Tesla. However, more and more traders prefer derivatives.

Today, Contracts for Difference come in many shapes and sizes. Through them, you may gain exposure to commodities, market indices, cryptocurrencies, etc. Whatever the asset, the logic is the same.

Traders predict where the price will go and open positions accordingly. This makes CFDs more convenient and accessible than conventional stocks here. Besides, market entry is more affordable. For instance, you may become an online stock trader with only $500.

Online Trading Tools

Online stock trading requires powerful platforms and smartphone apps. Forex traders may use the systems they know well, such as MetaTrader 5. Versatile forex trading environments allow convenient assembly of diversified portfolios. This way, profits are gained from several markets, and risks are also spread across them.

FXTM Trader, an advanced proprietary app from ForexTime, gives access to over 250 instruments, including stock market exposure. Like other popular systems, it offers cross-platform compatibility. It means platforms can be installed on the desktop and mobile devices, so users may switch between them during the day. The best systems are packed with analytical tools for both fundamental and technical traders.

Trading on Leverage

Leverage is another factor of appeal for CFDs. Individuals may trade on the margin — i.e., use a portion of their broker’s funds to boost their buying power. This ratio may vary. For instance, leverage of 1 to 100 means you can open a position worth $10,000 when there is just $100 in your account. Margin of safety is essential in investing. Kailash Concepts has an article about Margin of Safety book. Check it out to help you what is Margin of safety and investing in the stock market.

Leverage, though, is a double-edged tool. On the one hand, it magnifies your potential profits. At the same time, the risks are also higher, as you can lose your entire balance at once. That is why leverage is not recommended for novices. It requires a solid strategy and sharp market prescience.

Trading on Leverage

How to Get Started

If you do not yet have a brokerage account, begin by choosing a licensed company. International brands with operations in South Africa may be overseen by such trusted organizations as the FCA in the United Kingdom or the local FSCA. A demo account will allow you to practice using the software for free, while a live account opens access into the global stock market.

Education is free, as there are countless articles, tutorials, and YouTube channels on the subject. Today, many prominent stock traders share their insights online. Learn about the most common strategies, patterns, and risk management tips. Try applying them to demo trades. Gradually, you will build the acumen necessary for profitable stock trading, whether you choose CFDs or actual shares.