CTA – We hear this term used in the marketing world all the time, but what does it mean? And is it important?

What Does CTA Stand For?

Call to action is a marketing term used extensively in advertising and selling. It refers to any method with the goal of promoting an immediate response or concluding a direct sale. A CTA most often refers to the use of words or phrases that can be incorporated into sales scripts, advertising messages, or web pages that encourage consumers to take prompt action.

A Call to Action urges the site used to take some action, such as:

  • Fill out a contact form
  • Explore the site further
  • Download free information
  • Subscribe to an email list
  • Request an estimate
  • Ultimately, buy something.

A call to action is usually in the form of a button or a text link that instructs site users to do something, to take immediate action of some kind.

Why Is This Important?

CTAs are critical to your business success for three reasons:

1. Customers Want them

This one may surprise you, but it’s true. Customers want and expect them.
Think about it. They’ve done their research and are now interested in engaging with your brand.

Without a clear CTA prominently placed on the page, pointing clearly to the next step, you are confusing them and hurting your chance of gaining a customer. CTA buttons make it easy for customers to do what you want them to do. That’s good for them, and it’s good for business.

2. Calls to Action Motivate the People in Your Sales Funnel

CTAs allow the buyer to transition between the phases of their buying journey to conversion. They tell the user what to do next and prompt them to take immediate action. That’s why careful planning and design must go into your CTA buttons or links.

Use CTA best practices to choose the best possible wording on your button to show the benefits versus a simple, “Click Here!” Also, consider the color and placement of a CTA button on the page as they are also critical to success.

3. CTAs Increase the Success of Your Digital Advertising

Digital advertising is all about getting the word out about your service or product, getting it in front of consumers, and showing why they need to buy from you. Without a strong CTA, your message is incomplete and will leave interested prospects frustrated, with no place to go but to the competition.

CTAs are particularly crucial for PPC campaign management services. Adding a call to action to your PPC campaign will help you convey the intent of the campaign to your audience so they can act on it.

You are facing fierce competition everywhere today, and you may only have one opportunity to make a positive impression on your target audience. With PPC ads and other forms of digital advertising, there is no time to waste. Even the smallest missed opportunity can allow consumers to pass over your brand in favor of someone else’s. Emphasize the importance of a robust and inspiring call to action on your marketing team during the creation of ad campaigns.

There are many factors to consider for your CTAs.

  • First, establish what the level of buy-in is that you want from your visitors? Whether it’s to Learn More or Request a Quote, make sure it fits in with the page on which you are placing it.
  • Make it grab the reader’s attention. The last thing you want is for a CTA to blend in with the rest of the page, so the consumer doesn’t notice it. Make the call to action big, make it visually attractive but stand out with a contrasting color, and place it prominently in the appropriate spot on the page.
  • Make the copy action-oriented. Use words that are unique and maybe even reflect your brand, such as using humor.
  • Add a sense of urgency. It’s one of the best ways to keep visitors focused on the action you want them to take. Make the emotional appeal to act now rather than putting it off. For example, it may be a limited time offer, or maybe there are only a few widgets left in stock.
  • Keep your integrity intact throughout all your branding and sales funnels. Be honest and clear about the value of what you are offering and what they will receive when they click on that CTA button. Communicate the benefits they will receive to make it more enticing as well as transparent.

Does a Website Need One?

In a word, yes! In fact, every website needs at least one call to action. The visitor needs a clear direction for accomplishing whatever the goal is that you have for them.

Having a compelling CTA can help increase your company’s revenue while also expanding your customer base. CTAs are used everywhere on the web, on social media, in blog posts, and wherever else you look. They are a critical piece of the digital marketing process. Profit, revenue, and conversions all depend on successful CTAs.

Well-designed and impactful CTAs need to be clearly visible with clear directions, so there is no doubt in the consumer’s mind about what to do next. You have the solution to their problem, so make it easy for them to get relief.

Professional digital marketers will test your CTAs for everything from placement, text, color, font, size, etc., to ensure your CTAs are converting.

Establishing an Effective Call to Action

Think of a Call to Action as the finishing touch of your article or webpage, without which the article or webpage is incomplete. CTAs are also one piece in the puzzle of successful online marketing today. Conversions, revenue, business, and profit all depend on a successful CTA.

At BizIQ, we understand the importance of effective CTAs that will result in conversions. We’ve helped over 20,000 small to medium-sized businesses to date, garnering rave reviews along the way. Contact us today to see how we can design your digital marketing strategy to get the results you want in your business!