Uninterrupted Game Streaming

When it comes to game streaming, there are a few things you need to do to properly prepare for it to be a success. Between setting the scene and ensuring you have all the right supplies, there are a few things you need to do before starting. So what do you need to add to your to-do list to prepare for your game streaming? Take a look at our three absolute must-haves that you should consider for uninterrupted game time.

A Good Internet Connection

The very first thing you’ll need to do is ensure that you have a solid internet connection. There is nothing worse than finding yourself in the middle of streaming a game and having it cut off because of a weak internet connection. Do some research, shop around and see which internet provider is the most reliable in your area. Utah Broadband high speed internet is a fantastic option if you’re living in Utah. Ask around and see which providers in your area have the best service. To give you some idea, your internet service should be running 5 Mbps at least, with download speeds of at least 50 Mbps. Depending on the platform you choose to stream, you may need different upload speeds. For example, Twitch requires 6 Mbps for a resolution of 1080p, while YouTube requires 3Mbps for a resolution of 1080p. You may also want to take into consideration that some viewers will use 4K in which you’ll need higher Mbps for quality resolution.

The Right Setting

The next thing you’ll want to focus on is getting the scene set for where you’re going to be streaming. Make sure you have a designated space where you can do your game streaming. You want a place where there won’t be too much background noise, have room to have all of your screens set up, and have a comfortable  place to sit. You’re going to be spending long periods of time streaming, and investing in a high-quality gaming chair is sure to make things more comfortable.

Essential Supplies

Make sure you have all of the essentials to make your game streaming a success. A high-quality microphone is a must, as well as a good webcam. A lot of the people who will be watching your game streaming want to know who you are and what you look like, so investing in a webcam is definitely a good way to go. You’ll also want to make sure you have something to help you keep a good grip on your controller. These Lizard Skins Xbox controller grips are a great way to go, and come in a variety of colors and designs to fit your style.

So as you take the time to get everything set up for some successful, uninterrupted game streaming, be sure to consider some of our must-haves to top everything off. Having the right tools on hand is sure to make it enjoyable for both you and those watching your streaming, so have fun getting your setup good to go!