What Are the Top Uses of C++

Technology is developing rapidly, and the usage of different software is also in high demand. It is difficult for a non-technical person to know how things work, how materials are stored in the cloud, and how the games are so fast and wonderful. It is the computing language that is responsible for everything, and more precisely, it is C++. This programming language is the basis of coding and the advanced version of C, which is behind all such actions.

If you are into coding and want to build a career in that, you need to learn programming language. C++ is a beginner’s language that is used by almost all developers. Almost all kinds of video games, IoT devices, embedded systems, or any kind of AI applications run on C++. As this programming language comes with so many uses, C++ is recommended as one of the major languages to learn. So, today, we will get an overview of the uses of C++ language. Before that, let’s learn why this computer language is so important to learn for coders.

C++ Language- A Brief Overview

C++ language was formed by Bjarne Stroustrup in 1979 at Bell Labs in Murray Hill, New Jersey. It was the advanced version of C language and was formed to be used for general purposes. Over the decades, C++ has become the language of various applications. Soon, it was developed to use for in the formation of different kinds of applications and business-related large software that can be run on limited resources. As C++ can easily manipulate the device on which it is running, programmers can run the codes quite easily on the device, even when there is limited space for hardware or energy left on the device. These are the reasons why C++ is the first choice for software developers to write programs easily and perform critical tasks.

What Are the Major Uses of C++?

C++ can be found in various types of industries for some interesting and notable reasons. Here are some of the best uses of C++ we are discussing now. Read on to know more-

1. Operating Systems

In operating systems like MacOS and Windows, C++ plays an important role. An operating system has to be efficient and fast, and that can happen only by using C++ language. With the C++ language, developers can make software with any small details. Such operating systems can be faster and more energy efficient.

2. IoT Devices

There are lots of IoT devices along with embedded systems that depend on C++ language. There are lots of medical devices, cars, smartphones, smart watches, etc. that have embedded systems where C++ is the language that is used. This programming language helps the programmers to control the resources and help in running the programs faster and more efficiently.

3. Developing the Games

Video games are getting highly popular these days, and C++ is the widely-used computer language in game development. It is used in developing different high-tech games, like World of Warcraft, StarCraft, Counter-Strike, and many more. C++ is also used in developing different game engines, like Unreal Engine, and many gaming consoles, like PlayStation, Xbox, and Nintendo Switch. Along with helping in game development, C++ also helps in optimizing resources.

4. Web Browsers

C++ also plays an effective role in web browsers like Mozilla, Firefox, Google Chrome, Opera, and Safari. This programming language assists web browsers in carrying out several tasks in a limited time and in a speedy way. C++ is the reason why we don’t have to wait longer for the content to appear on the screen.

5. Databases

C++ is also effective in developing databases like MongoDB and MySQL. These databases are important for many applications, like Google, Netflix, Adobe, YouTube, and many more. C++ can make the databases strong enough to store enough data, and it provides sufficient storage.

6. Animation

There are several animated software that uses C++ language for development. The C++ language is used for coding, image processing, mobile sensor applications, modeling, and many more. The developed software by C++ is used in developing animations, motion pictures, environments, virtual reality, and so on.

7. Media Access

C++ is also used for managing different media files like audio and video files. Take the example of Winamp Media Player, which is developed in C++ language. It allows accessing and sharing videos, playing music, etc. This also supports streaming of video and audio, art support, and many more. You can also access internet radio stations through it.

8. GUI-based Applications

The Graphical User Interface or GUI applications are also developed based on C++ language. C++ is the base of the foundation of scripting several GUI applications, like Adobe Photoshop, Adobe Premier, Adobe Illustrator, etc. Besides these, there are many other GUI applications, like Windows Amp Media Player is also run in C++ language.

9. Libraries

This is another usage of C++ language where it has in-built standard libraries for developing high-end mathematical computation libraries and machine learning. Any kind of high-end machine language libraries uses C++ as the backend library. C++ helps developers in doing large calculations and operations.

10. Cloud Computing

Cloud storage is one of the biggest storage systems, and it is quite beneficial too in the present technological era. In making the cloud storage system scalable and also helping the developers to learn Machine Learning, C++ helps the developers.

So, these are some of the best uses of C++ computer language. From banking applications to scanning, from developing games to designing software, C++ language is the basis of different applications in software. Day by day, the language is developing itself, and its usage is increasing too. Seeing the development of the modern range of applications and software, it can be said that learning C++ will definitely help you become a programmer and build your career in coding. Whether you are a freelancer or a full-time coder, learning C++ will help you a lot to learn the basics of programming.