Making complex financial decisions is ingrained into the nature of running a business. As a seasoned CEO, you’ve been at the helm of your company for many years and probably steered through your fair share of turbulent waters with flying colors.

But what if those waters are stormier and more unpredictable than you’ve ever experienced? What if the stakes are higher, the decisions more critical, and a single mistake could have costly consequences?

In the face of such challenges, putting your hand up and asking for help is okay. In fact, enlisting the help of experienced business consultants in the UAE can be just the support your business needs to stay on course and reach a successful outcome.

Transaction advisory services (TAS) offer a slew of advantages that extend far beyond the capabilities of an average financial advisor. With data-driven insights, expert due diligence, and a thorough understanding of domestic and international transactions, TAS empowers you to act at the right time and for the right reasons.

5 Situations Where Transaction Advisory Services Are Essential

Below are five types of transactions that call for the expertise of TAS consultants:

1. Business Valuation

A business valuation is the process of assessing the economic value of a business. During the valuation process, all aspects of a company are scrutinized to determine its financial standing and market position.

Company valuations are typically conducted when an owner wants to sell all or part of their business, raise equity to expand their operations or merge with another company.

Of course, by no means is this an exhaustive list. Businesses may also leverage valuations for estate planning purposes, taxation issues, partner disputes and more.

Here, an expert TAS consultant can perform a comprehensive analysis of financial modeling and forecasting as well as future projections to arrive at a reliable, accurate estimate for the value of your business.

2. Financial Due Diligence

Successful mergers, capital injections, and acquisitions require all sellers, lenders and buyers to understand the risks and opportunities inherent in the transaction they’re about to enter.

Let’s say you run a tech conglomerate and plan to acquire an AI software startup that has seen rapid growth since its inception and garnered promising market potential.

Before you move forward, you want to be aware of its financial health, the sustainability of its business model, and any red flags that could adversely affect your investment.

This is where relying on a TAS consultant is pertinent. The following are some examples of how TAS experts can offer due diligence support:

  • Delivering an in-depth assessment of the target company’s accounts and financial statements (income statements, profit and loss, balance sheets, etc.)
  • Unearthing future earning capabilities
  • Detecting hidden risks
  • Collecting unbiased insights from industry specialists well-versed in the nuances of financial due diligence to aid your decision-making

This information puts you in a solid position to negotiate favorable terms for your acquisition and come out on top with a successful deal.

3. Raising Capital

Companies frequently need additional funds or capital to reach new markets or locations, enhance their product offerings, or establish a competitive edge.

In an ideal scenario, those businesses would use their profits to self-fund their growth plans. Still, the reality is that external financial sources, such as lenders or investors, are often the only way to secure the money required.

As straightforward as this might seem on the surface, it’s anything but. Raising capital involves potential investors closely examining your business to identify its strengths, weaknesses, risks, and growth prospects.

Simply put, investors use this phase to gather as much information as possible about your business, to assess whether it’s worth investing in.

At this stage, the slightest oversight or miscalculation can derail your plans and put you in a vulnerable position.

So, when it comes to capital raising, it pays to have a TAS consultant on your side. Especially ones who can help with the following:

  • Aiding in the reorganization of financial assets and liabilities
  • Advising on the ideal structure for corporate financing
  • Assisting in the creation and review of offering materials
  • Supporting negotiations to secure commitments under favorable terms
  • Supervising subsequent stages to ensure prompt completion

4. Business Plan and Investor Pitch Deck

To raise funds for your next venture, you need more than just passion and enthusiasm to rally investors around your cause.

A well-executed business plan and investor pitch deck are two essential components that should always stay in your fundraising toolkit. They can effectively communicate the value of your offerings and convince lenders to finance your idea.

A business plan answers the “what, why and how” of your company. It outlines what you plan to do, why you’re doing it, and how you’ll accomplish those goals. Whereas the investor pitch deck is a concise presentation that sums up the most critical and persuasive aspects of your business plan in a few short slides.

To secure stakeholder buy-in, these documents must be detailed, convincing and, more importantly, accurate.

Having a TAS consultant on your team to review and refine those documents is crucial to achieving the following objectives:

  • Communicating the merits of your venture with clarity and confidence
  • Outlining your business model
  • Underscoring your edge over the existing competition
  • Detailing your funding needs
  • Highlighting the potential for profitability in a way that resonates with investors

5. Exit Planning

Exit planning often lands on the “someday” to-do list for business owners; that is, until a sudden life event or the impending reality of retirement shoots it to the top of their priority list.

Many business owners are taken aback to discover that exit-related procedures should begin three to five years before the intended date. As a result, they have no choice but to settle for a less-than-ideal exit.

With the help of a TAS consultant, you can exit your business on your terms. Whether you plan to sell it, transfer its ownership, or liquidate it, an experienced advisor can help you develop a roadmap to guide your planning process and maximize the value of your enterprise.

Sound Financial Decisions Start Here

Transaction advisory services can be your ally and advocate throughout your business’s lifecycle. They provide reliable insights that secure your interests, protect your investments, and ensure the success of your long-term goals.

So, no matter what business decisions you face, remember that you can count on TAS to put you on the right path