Managed IT Services

Managed services have been a buzz word in the past few years. Business owners and experts alike have recommended that one must go for ‘Managed Services.’

  • What exactly does it mean?
  • What are the key benefits of using it?
  • Indirect and direct advantages that one might gain from it?

We aim to answer these questions in this article, as we dissect managed IT services for you.

What is Managed Services?

In simple words, managed services are outsourcing the secondary functions and processes in your organization to a third-party provider on a regular basis, such that you gain better control over your primary functions.

Managed services have been known to drastically improve the efficiency of functioning and help cut down a major chunk of the expenses.

Let us understand managed services with regards to IT using an example. Suppose you own a business that trades spare parts for automobiles. It constantly requires your employees to be in touch with vendors, distributors, and clients. In this case, having an efficiently managed database system with unparalleled connectivity is essential to undisrupted communication.

Instead of focusing on creating, troubleshooting, and installing the components of your system on your own, you assign this work to a managed IT service provider.

Here, the Managed it services provider from Austin is in charge of delivering the IT support services, while you retain the control of your organization.

The major difference between on-demand services and managed services is the fact that instead of running after service providers in case of a failure or any assistance requirement, you enter into a contract with your MSP for a certain period of time.

During this time, if any requirement arises, you do not have to worry about searching for services.

On-demand services are time-consuming, and might even cause you to bear expenses greater than usual to deal with an emergency.

Apart from this, there are various direct and indirect benefits of using managed IT services, which add significant value to your business.

The Real Benefits of Managed IT Services

  1. Financial Benefits

When you enter into a contract with an MSP, you have a clear idea of what your spending on IT would be on a monthly or yearly basis. If you have an in-house support team, you have to pay for the salaries, infrastructure, training, etc. even if you have meager requirements.

Using managed services lets you decide the terms of your contract, and pay only for what you require.

It might also happen that there arises a sudden need for capital expenditure. Bearing the brunt of a sudden expenditure can be taxing for your business, and may even lead to major disruptions.

However, MSPs help you breakdown these costs into fixed monthly or quarterly payments, such that you do not have to break your back paying untimely expenses.

Lastly, when you outsource your services, you are assured of getting expert services and troubleshooting. This part is the benefit that you derive from insisting on quality. You also have fewer breakdowns, and thus save money.

  1. The Value of Time

In any business, time equals money. If you lose time while managing secondary aspects of your business, say a simple breakdown of your router, you lose a lot of potential business.

Managed IT services are known to be proactive in their approach and help you get the desired services from the comfort of your desk.

  1. Technological Edge

Assigning your tasks to professional IT services can help you stay updated with the latest system. Any upgrade to a new system requires assembling the resources, hiring a team, paying for training, and so on.

When it comes to a managed service, they are equipped with the right infrastructure to start a project right away.

Moving to a new system, or any upgrade becomes much easier when you outsource the work. Staying up-to-date with the latest technology also helps you take on the big players in the market, which is generally an arduous task.

As a small or medium level business, it is important that you don’t lose your business to bigger competitors, simply due to the lack of the right technology.

  1. Lesser Risks, Better Security

Being in tune with the latest statutory compliance, government regulation is a tedious job.

Managed IT services have specific knowledge that is required to handle all the security and compliance issues. MSPs can also help you gain insights into avoiding such risks.

When it comes to security, apart from the compliance, your system should always be safe from unwanted intrusions. With new risks stemming each day on the internet, MSPs can help equip your system with the latest firewall, virus protection, prevention from DDoS and other attacks.

If there’s a payment gateway operating on your system, you must also have PCI/DSS compliance to help your system stay safe from unwarranted transactions, which might otherwise expose you to the risks of significant financial losses. MSPs can help you tackle these issues with the utmost ease.

  1. Higher Efficiency, Better Proficiency

There are two ways in which your tasks get done more efficiently.

Firstly, when you hire an MSP, your focus lies on your core business. With lesser downtimes and a reduction in lead time, you can manage your tasks more efficiently.

Secondly, an in-house team might only be equipped to handle the general issues specific to your company. In case of a major breakdown, they might lack the desired skills to handle the issue in a swift manner.

MSPs consists of highly trained professional experts who have been exposed to a wide range of issues due to working for multiple companies. Hence, handling any issue becomes much quicker and easier.

The Enormous Value

As evident from the list of benefits, it is conspicuous that outsourcing your work to an MSP opens up a plethora of advantages that can help generate a lot of value for your business.

Leaving the tangible benefits aside, it is also obvious that gaining access to hassle-free services also saves you from a lot of mental agonies.

The very happiness of seeing your business run smoothly can impart a sense of confidence to take on new challenges and scale greater heights.

Author Bio:

NayanUpadhyay is the CEO of IshapeTechnologies LTD, A computer repair and IT services provider in Edmonton, Canada. With over 15 years of trust, experience, and expertise in this field, the company aims at providing world-class IT support and services for the people in Canada.