Are you a small business owner wondering how to better connect with your clients?

In the world of the internet, business has gotten very competitive. Potential clients now have thousands of options at their fingertips, making it important that you stand out.

Because of this, you need a way to tell your clients what sets you apart and keep your business at the front of their minds once they know. If you can do this successfully, you will have an edge over your competitors.

But how do you communicate all of this to your clients? This is where texting apps can help. Below, we’ll go into the 6 best texting apps for your business and share how they can assist you in reaching your goals.

#1. ProTexting

If you’re looking for texting apps to keep your clients engaged, ProTexting is perfect!

It allows you to build your own contacts list as well as create sweepstakes, coupons, surveys, and reports. It also has an unlimited free sign up, meaning that all of your customers can be added to your list at no cost!

#2. Skipio

Skipio offers a wide variety of services to its users and gives them extensive options for tailoring their campaigns.

In addition to texting your clients, Skipio will allow you to create trackable links. It also allows you to customize your messages so your clients will get the impression that they are personal.

#3. SMS-Magic

Does your company use Salesforce? If so, SMS-Magic is the perfect match for you.

SMS-Magic works seamlessly with Salesforce to keep your clients informed. It also gives you the ability to customize your messages and communicate with your clients in multiple languages.

#4. iPlum

Are you looking for a HIPAA compliant texting app?

If so, iPlum offers an excellent service which has left more than 1 million customers satisfied. It guarantees that your clients’ information is protected by HIPAA and allows for calls as well as texts.

#5. EZ Texting

If you’re wanting to use a free text app, then EZ Texting might be a good fit.

EZ Texting gives you broad texting capabilities, including contact list creation and sending messages to your marketing team. This will give you the information you need to take your texting marketing game to the next level!

#6. TextUs

If you use TextUs, you’ll be able to easily manage your texting campaigns from your device.

TextUs allows you to create message templates and track your response rate. This gives you the ability to craft your marketing campaign however you want and then track its effectiveness.

You can also schedule messages and use emojis.

Want To Go Beyond The Texting Apps?

Now that you know which texting apps are best for your business, you might be curious about other business-related technology.

If this sounds like you, then look no further than this website! We write on everything related to technology and provide reviews for many different products and services.

Go ahead, type your questions into our search bar and see what our articles can teach you today!