Order Cox Cable TV and Internet

Is your current provider not living up to your expectations? Or have you just moved to a new area and are unsure what provider to subscribe to? The solution to both these situations is simple: subscribe to Cox cable packages. The provider is one of the largest in the world and the largest family-owned internet provider in the United States. With a massive coverage area, the chances are good that you’re already located in a market the provider services.

But like any other decision in life, choosing an internet and cable plan is not to be taken lightly. The biggest regret most modern consumers have is subscribing to a service that either does not meet their demands or exceeds their needs. Being stuck with a service that does not deliver as promised is usually not something you have to worry about with Cox. However, doing your homework may prove to be helpful down the line. Here are a few easy steps to help you order your new cable TV and internet service from Cox.

Check if You Are in a Service Area

You’re probably itching to check out channel lineups and internet speeds. But the first step is to make sure you’re actually in the right service area. Cox is a very large internet provider, but there may be a chance that you’re located outside of your nearest service area. If that is the case, you may have to make do with another provider. When you aren’t sure if you’re in the right coverage area, you may want to check the provider’s store locator to find the nearest physical store near you. You should also be able to check if you are covered by entering your Zip code on the provider’s coverage check page.

Look for the Plans Available Near You

Once you have determined that you are indeed located in a service area, it is time to start looking at the provider’s offerings. Like many others, Cox offers HD cable TV, high-speed internet, and high-quality voice services. However, not all plans are created equal. And plans and offers may vary based on your location. However, you should be able to find something to suit your needs from among the vast selection of plans on the provider’s own website or authorized reseller sites. Be sure to narrow the list down to exactly the type of services you want.

Choose an Internet Plan with the Right Speed

When you’re subscribing to an internet plan, you shouldn’t let its price be the only factor controlling your decision. Price points always matter, but there are often other concerns as well. Such as whether the plan has enough speed and bandwidth to meet your needs. You should consider internet consumption and usage behavior in your home. Your decision will revolve around whether you live in a household with moderate, heavy, or intense internet consumption. That’s not to mention other factors, such as installation or activation costs, as well as Wi-Fi gateways, modems, and other equipment and fees.

Choose a TV Plan with the Right Channels

Your choice of TV plan requires equally careful thought. Most of the provider’s channel plans come with hundreds of channels, including HD. However, you may realize later that you don’t even need most of the channels in your lineup. Or that you may have chosen a plan with a lineup that only caters to a few members of your home. Your choice of TV plan will therefore focus on channel lineup, channel diversity, DVR, and streaming, in addition to the usual price consideration.

Look at Channel Packs You Want

Unlike many other providers, Cox allows users a great deal of freedom when it comes to personalizing their TV plans or customizing them to their needs. The provider allows you to choose from several channel packs. These packs are built around varying entertainment tastes. So, if you are a sports entertainment junkie, you can choose a channel pack with the right selection of sports networks. If you prefer lifestyle entertainment, there’s a channel pack for those too. And if you want your kids to have access to age-appropriate entertainment, you can pick the right pack centered around that.

Check If Your Chosen Plans Can Be Bundled

Before rushing to place an order, you should consider bundling your internet and TV plans. Cable providers like Cox deliver both internet and TV through the same coaxial cable. So, you don’t have to worry about multiple installation jobs or delays in your services being activated. A bigger reason to bundle plans, however, is that the provider offers great deals and special offers on bundles. A TV and internet bundle can still be customized to your needs, but will typically offer more savings than standalone services. Moreover, bundle offers may also offer free access to premium networks that you can enjoy for a limited time.

Place Your Order

Finally, now that you have the plans or bundle of your choice, it is time to order your service. There are many ways to do so. You can place an order on the provider’s site or any of its affiliates. You can chat to a representative via the live chat feature and place your order there. If you’re the in-person type, you could choose to visit the nearest physical store near your location. And finally, you can go the old-fashioned way that we are all most comfortable with: picking up the phone and speaking to a representative.