Online reviews are trending in 2021

You have been hearing a lot about the IT revolution in retail for years (okay, a little less during corona). But you hear much less about that other retail revolution – the rise of reviews. Yet a brand can no longer do without. But what to pay attention to in 2022? Tip of the veil and perhaps a bit surprising: consumers especially appreciate nuanced reviews.

Read reviews and ask around

If you’ve decided to get your money back, you need a trusted partner. And unfortunately every business has people soiling its good name. In the collection (Dutch: incasso) there are certain agencies that love to rack up your bill when collecting your money. You don’t want to accidentally sign with them!

To make sure you find a good agency you can trust, we always recommend everyone to look at the Google Reviews of every agency in your area. Every business has an unhappy customer from time to time, but if you see a lot of one stars or two stars, you know they’re probably not the agency you want. Look for a collection agency (Dutch: incassobureau) that boasts multiple 5-star reviews with text, spread out over a longer period of time. If they have only 5-star reviews, all added on the same day without any extra input … run!

If the reviews only make you doubt more, it might also be handy to ask around in your network. As an entrepreneur, you probably know more entrepreneurs and since unpaid invoices are quite a common occurrence, you’ll probably know someone that can recommend you to a good collection agency – or tell you to stay far away from one.

Reviews per market: Fashion & Shopping

Interestingly, the “Shopping & Fashion” category was the most viewed for reviews between July 1, 2020 and January 31, 2021, even during the pandemic. A survey from late last summer takes a closer look at the types of clothing people were buying at the time.

Did they rely more on sporty casual wear – such as the so-called ‘athleisure’ – while they were in lockdown at home, or did they already look for show-off outfits for life after the pandemic? With the vaccination process in full swing, the results may already point to some interesting buying trends. Can fashion retailers increase their sales before the pandemic ends, if people want to spread their clothing purchases in preparation for a return to social life?

Reviews of the market: Electronics and Technology

In addition, it is not surprising that ‘Electronics & technology’ is in second place in terms of most researched products, which was certainly not the case in 2020. This category includes household appliances and telephones, computers and software. To really see this in action you can check out a website like Truely that does review comparisons. Services like these help out people to find real and honest reviews that can mean a lot when deciding what software or service to use, especially if it’s an expensive one.

As people around the world now spend more time than ever in their homes, consumers want to make their lives easier with these types of products. Now the question is whether this behavior will continue as the pandemic comes to an end and people spend significantly less time at home.

Reviews in the market: Money and insurance

The wave of new investors that emerged during the onset of the pandemic, and the general financial uncertainty that hit many families, illustrate why Money and Insurance was the third most researched sector. There are a multitude of financial services and products, and 2020 has made us all painfully aware of how quickly our own financial situation can change if an event like the coronavirus pandemic suddenly occurs.

Check which agency specializes in which area

Even if a collection agency comes highly recommended, it might not be a good match. Most debt collection agencies specialize in certain areas. Some specialize in recovering funds from major companies, while others specialize in helping small businesses.