There are four practical ways to bypass Mega download limits:

  1. Using a good paid VPN
  2. Changing your DNS Server
  3. Using MegaBasterd downloader
  4. Using JD downloader

Mega is a famous privacy-friendly, open-source cloud storage solution based in Auckland, New Zealand. Mega has a certain transfer quota for both their free and paid plans. The free plan’s transfer quota is uncleared from Mega’s end, but in paid plans, the transfer limit for the paid plans is around 1 TB per month.

So, many people like me who use Mega’s free plan often run out of the transfer quota limit for the month. That’s why today, we’ll discuss how to bypass the mega download limit using four easy-to-follow solutions. Let’s start the detailed discussion.

1.   Bypass Using a Good VPN

By saying good VPN, we mean the paid ones and not the free ones. Free VPNs are typically shady and not recommended to use unless you don’t care about data leaks or security. Remember the saying, “If something is free, you’re the product.”

Free VPNs sell user data to keep their service running for free, and oftentimes, they sell your personal information like your actual IP address, browsing history, device MAC, mailing address, etc., which is a severe violation of privacy.

Moreover, free VPNs cannot help you bypass the Mega download limit effortlessly. You can bypass the Mega download limit by using a good paid VPN since it restricts usage by IP address. To bypass Mega download limit with a VPN, follow these steps:

  • Download any reputed VPN on your preferred device.
  • Install the application and log in with your credentials.

After login, open the app and tap to connect.

Bypass Using a Good VPN

It’s done! Now, go ahead and download your Mega file without any transfer limits.

2. Changing Your DNS Server

You can bypass Mega download limit using an alternative Domain Name Server (DNS). The best solution would be using Cloudflare WARP. It changes your DNS server to and routes your internet connection to a secure alternating tunnel.

Note: You can only bypass Mega download limit with Cloudflare WARP for once.

Here’s how to use WARP to bypass Mega download limits. Follow the above steps:

  1. Go to Cloudflare WARP and download the app.
  2. Open the app and go to the three-line menu in the top right corner.Open the app and go to the three-line menu in the top right corner
  3. No, select WARP+ from the section and tap to connect.

No, select WARP+ from the section and tap to connect

You’re done! Now, go to your Mega account, and you’ll see the transfer quota has been refreshed. You may get a 5 GB extra transfer quota with this method.

3. Bypass Using MegaBasterd Downloader

MegaBasterd downloader is a great download manager to bypass Mega download limit. It uses a smart proxy to bypass Mega transfer quota limits. Here’s how to do it:

  • First, download Java, which is required to run MegaBasterd.
  • After installing Java, download MegaBasterd from here.
  • Install and run the application and follow the instructions.

Step 1: Go to settings from the top menu, as shown in the picture below.

Step 1

Step 2: Scroll down and select “Use SmartProxy” then click save.

Scroll down

Note: Don’t modify proxy error band time, timeout, etc. In some cases, using such proxies may violate Mega’s terms of service, so use it at your own risk.

Step 3: Now, head over to “File” and select “New download”


Step 4: Paste the link and start downloading without costing your Mega transfer quota

1.   Bypass Using JD Downloader

JD downloader is another downloader like MegaBasterd that also uses a proxy to bypass Mega download limit. Follow the below steps:

  • Download Java, which is required to run JD downloader.
  • Now install and launch the JD downloader.

Now, follow the below steps accordingly:

Step 1: Open the JD downloader and press ctrl+p to open the settings page.

Open the JD

Step 2: Select “Connection Manager” from the list from the left menu.


Step 3: Now go to Proxyscraper to get a free list of working proxies. Select your preferred proxy put the IP address and port number as shown below, and click OK.


Step 4: Finally, just paste the download link and start downloading.


Enjoy high-speed download without any data restrictions.


Follow these four methods of bypassing Mega download limits. If you are a frequent user of Mega, these methods will help you to use more transfer quotas in the free plan. However, if you don’t want to go with all the hassle, just buy one of the paid plans.