Gastric sleeve surgery, or sleeve gastrectomy, has become a beacon of hope for many battling obesity. This procedure involves surgically reducing the stomach size by about 80%, leaving a small, sleeve-shaped stomach that limits food intake and helps you feel full sooner.

As one of the most popular weight loss surgery Turkey, it’s about shedding pounds and improving overall health and quality of life.

Eligibility for Gastric Sleeve Surgery

Only some people are candidates for gastric sleeve surgery. Typically, it’s recommended for individuals with a Body Mass Index (BMI) of 40 or higher or those with a BMI of 35 accompanied by serious health issues related to obesity, such as diabetes or hypertension. A thorough medical evaluation by a healthcare professional is crucial to determine if you’re a suitable candidate, ensuring the best outcomes and minimizing risks.

Expectations from Gastric Sleeve Surgery

Short-term Weight Loss Goals

Significant weight loss can be expected in the first 30 days post-surgery, although the exact amount varies per individual. You lose between 15% and 25% of your excess body weight on average. Setting realistic expectations and understanding that these early results are just the beginning of your weight loss journey is essential.

Long-term Weight Loss and Maintenance

After the initial month, your weight loss should continue steadily if you adhere to the recommended lifestyle changes. It’s vital to engage in regular physical activity and stick to the dietary guidelines provided by your healthcare team. This phase is crucial for both achieving and maintaining your weight loss goals.

The First 30 Days After Surgery

Immediate Post-Operative Period

Right after the surgery, you’ll begin a post-operative care plan that includes rest, pain management, and gradual reintroduction of fluids. Your primary focus will be recovery and complication monitoring in the first few days.

It’s normal to experience discomfort, fatigue, and nausea, but your medical team will provide medications and guidance to help manage these symptoms effectively.

Dietary Changes and Guidelines

A post-surgery diet is crucial and is typically structured in stages:

  • Week 1: Drink clear liquids only, such as water, broth, and sugar-free non-carbonated beverages, to keep you hydrated without irritating your new stomach.
  • Weeks 2-3: Transition to pureed foods and protein shakes, which are gentle on your stomach and provide essential nutrients.
  • Week 4: Soft foods that are easy to digest, like cooked vegetables, eggs, and lean meats, are introduced.

Sticking to this diet plan is vital for healing, adapting to your smaller stomach capacity, and preventing complications.

Physical Activity Recommendations

While resting during the initial post-surgery period is important, light physical activity, such as walking, is encouraged to help prevent blood clots and accelerate recovery. Gradually, as you heal, you can increase your activity levels based on the guidance of your healthcare provider. Remember, every step you take is a move towards your new, healthier lifestyle.

Common Physical Sensations and Symptoms

During the first 30 days, you may experience various physical sensations:

  • Feeling full quickly: Due to the reduced stomach size, you’ll likely feel full after eating just a small amount of food.
  • Gastrointestinal symptoms: Gas, bloating, and diarrhea are common as your body adjusts to the new digestive system dynamics.

Expectations from Gastric Sleeve Surgery

Short-term Weight Loss Goals

The weight loss in the first 30 days after gastric sleeve surgery is significant, motivating many patients. Patients can expect to lose between 15% to 25% of their excess body weight.

If someone needs to lose 100 pounds to reach their ideal body weight, they might lose about 15 to 25 pounds in the first month alone. However, individual results can vary based on pre-surgery weight, age, and overall health.

Understanding Weight Loss Progression

Understanding that weight loss after gastric sleeve surgery isn’t linear is important. The most rapid weight loss occurs in the first three to six months. During this time, adherence to dietary guidelines and regular consultation with healthcare providers is crucial for effective weight management and avoiding nutritional deficiencies.

Long-term Weight Loss and Maintenance

Looking beyond the first month, the weight loss journey continues toward achieving and maintaining an ideal weight. Long-term success depends significantly on lifestyle changes, which include maintaining a balanced diet and regular physical activity.

Patients are advised to monitor their weight loss, adjust their habits as necessary, and seek ongoing support from medical professionals, dietitians, and possibly psychological counseling to address eating habits and emotional health.

Dietary Changes and Guidelines

The dietary transition is designed to prevent complications and support healing:

  • Phase 1—Liquid Diet: Immediately following surgery, the stomach can only handle small amounts of clear liquids. This phase typically lasts about one week.
  • Phase 2 – Pureed Foods: As tolerance improves, you’ll move to a diet of pureed foods that lack chunks and are easier to digest.
  • Phase 3 – Soft Foods: After two weeks of pureed foods, soft, easily chewable foods are introduced.
  • Phase 4 – Regular Diet: By the end of the first month, you might start integrating more regular but still healthy and well-balanced foods into your diet.

Physical Activity Recommendations

Exercise is gently reintroduced:

  • Initial Recovery: Focus on light activities, such as walking and stretching, essential to prevent blood clots and facilitate healing.
  • Increasing Activity: Gradually increase the intensity and duration of exercise as your healthcare team recommends. Depending on your recovery speed, more strenuous activities can typically be reintroduced after the first month.

Monitoring and Managing Symptoms

Understanding and managing post-operative symptoms is key:

  • Expected Symptoms: Some pain, swelling, and discomfort are normal, as are mild nausea and constipation.
  • Warning Signs: Symptoms like severe pain, vomiting, fever, or signs of infection should prompt immediate contact with a healthcare provider.

Undergoing gastric sleeve surgery is a transformative journey that begins with understanding what to expect before, during, and after the procedure.

The first 30 days post-surgery are critical for establishing your new lifestyle and habits. From adhering to a staged diet plan to gradually reintroducing physical activity, every step is designed to ensure a safe and effective recovery and weight loss process.

Ready to take the next step in your weight loss journey? Visit FlyMedi today to explore your options, connect with top medical experts, and receive personalized advice tailored to your health needs. Let us help you achieve and maintain your goals safely and effectively. Discover more at FlyMedi and start your transformation with confidence!