The viability of Fortnite depends almost directly on the FPS, which gives your computer in the game. If the image on the monitor is not stable and constantly hovering, agree, it is difficult to fire on the enemy. In order to solve this problem, you need to know how to increase fps in Fortnite. But what is it? What is it eaten with? And how do you recognize him? All in order.

How do you know how much FPS is in Fortnite?

Let’s first set what number your PC or notebook gives you? But if you’re in school or at work, you need to unblock Fortnite first. How to get an unblocked Fortnite with RusVPN can be found here. Now you’re ready to check your FPS in Fortnite. The developers have put this feature in the game and we don’t have to install any third-party software:

  • Let’s go to the settings, the “Graphics” tab;
  • Flip down and look for “Frame counter.” Let’s turn it on!
  • Look at the top right corner, now you know your FPS.

How do I boost my FPS in Fortnite?

FPS in Fortnite

What is the advantage of Fortnite over PUBG? That’s right, optimization. The game is not bad even on older laptops, but there are always options to improve performance. Now we will consider the most basic ones.

Optimization of graphics settings in the game

Any game has graphics settings and Fortnite is no exception. Such settings affect the quality of the output picture and, accordingly, the FPS. The goal of each player, to find the golden mean between graphics and performance, let’s take a closer look at the settings in detail.

Range of drawing.

Many specifically twist this parameter to a minimum, it is understandable, the grass in the distance will be less, and players are better seen. This way you can gain an advantage over players with maximum graphics settings. The advantage gives, but the FPS is not strongly affected, only 5-6 additional frames.

The quality of the shadows.

An extremely important point because it requires a lot of performance from your computer. If you have a game, turn off this item immediately.  The performance gain is on average 25 to 35%!


Removes sharp edges of textures. FPS increases by 5% on average. On its own, this item will not give many results, but together it will have a good effect.

Quality of textures.

This parameter has a direct effect on image quality. Because Fortnite is made in cartoon style, you can set it to a minimum. But you can’t win many fps, about 4-5%.

Quality of effects.

Effects only on explosions and other special effects, turn it off, get another 3-4%.

The quality of post-processing.

The great increase in performance will not give, but if your computer “does not pull”, it is better to turn off.

The most effective parameters are “shadows”, “effects” and “post-processing”, we set them to the minimum and get + 40% increase.


And now, especially for Nvidia video card owners, there are a couple more ways to increase the frame rate:

  1. Right-click on the Nvidia icon in the tray and select “Nvidia Control Panel”. Select “3D Control Panel” in the left column.
  1. On the “Software Settings” tab, select Fortnite. If it is not there, click “Add”. Find the game. Then click on “Add Selected Program”.
  1. Now it’s time to adjust the parameters. “Maximum number of previously prepared frames” – one.
  1. Turn off the vertical synchronous pulse, as well as the shader caching.
  1. Change “power management mode” to “maximum performance mode”.
  1. Switch on stream optimization and triple buffering.
  1. Shut down texture filtering. And its quality should be changed to “high performance”.

How else can I speed up my PC?

The most basic ways you already know, but still, let’s consider a couple more.

Laptop mode

Are you a laptop user? Set the notebook to “Best Performance” mode. It will not bring you a big effect, but it is worth a try.

Disable or optimize unnecessary applications

Browser, OneDrive, Skype, Steam make full use of your computer resources. So if you want to see high fps in Fortnite, turn them off.

Clean up the temporary files.

All you need to do is download the great CCleaner program and clean your PC with it. But don’t rush to remove it later, you’ll still need it. Keep your hard drive clean and remember to use the clinker periodically.

Blow all the dust out of your system unit.

You have no idea what harmful effect dust and overheating of the computer have on the FPS. Disassemble and blow the system unit with a vacuum cleaner. In specially started cases, this method can bring about a 30% increase.