What Programming Languages to Consider When Designing a Business App

It’s 2022, and there’s no running a business without owning a company app. The benefits of owning one are many, but probably the most important one is that everyone has them now. If you aren’t part of the trend, you’re only losing the competitive edge.

Thinking about developing a business app is a wise thing to do. You want it to be unique. You want your app to differ from most of those already existing on the market. You should know that your business app needs to solve your clients’ problems and not be special or differ from the others.

Develop an app that will serve as a helping hand in your running the business. Make it perfect based on what your customers need and what your company currently lacks. You want to reach all customers, so you need one that will be available on all OS, be responsive, fast, look great, and is simple to use.

Choose the right programming language and find a team of people to build one from it. In addition, you can read five extraordinary programming languages commonly used for building business apps. Make your pick, and create a top-notch app.

1. JavaScript

JavaScript is a language built in the 90s. It was a reaction to older programming languages that didn’t provide what was needed in the coding world. Since then, JavaScript has been used as a programming language that is commonly used across almost all websites created today.

JavaScript is also used for developing apps. It is fast, has excellent user experience, is highly responsive, allows multi-platform use, and skilled developers can quickly master their craft, allowing them to do real magic with it.

2. Flutter

Flutter is a relatively new programming language, which came out as a result of programmers needing a language that will be truly multi-functional and cross-platform. More than a million people work actively on Flutter, creating some extraordinary apps.

People use Flutter because it is one of the top cross-platform programming languages, has a unique UI across all platforms, has many codes available in publicly accessible libraries, has its own rendering engine, and is fast working with it.

3. GoLang

GoLang, or simply Go, is a programming language created by the developers at Google. These guys used old-fashioned programming languages in the early 2000s and had it enough when they were struggling with advanced needs, but old languages.

They simply created one by themselves. Now, you can choose a GoLang development company to do everything from scratch and be sure they’ll do a magnificent job. Go is a fast, well-scaled, excellent cross-platform solution, with a vast code database, and a huge helping community.

4. Python

The most popular programming language in the world right now is Python. Millions of people are skilled in it, and others are learning it right now. This is an easy-to-learn language because of its simple syntax, but it is also widely used for developing web and mobile apps.

Python is an open-source and free language, thus the interest for people to learn. It has a wide database of free code to use and an enormous community of people ready to help anytime. Using Python for your app means getting a clean and easy-to-use app.

5. React

React is a mix of multiple programming languages – HTML, XHP, and PHP. It was first used in 2011 when the new Facebook feed was backed by it. Today, many app developers widely use it to create interactive user interfaces that are loved by all.

React has many benefits, which is why it is wanted among developers and investors. It is simple, and probably the most SEO-friendly programming language. It is also fast, efficient, and makes fantastic apps.


If you’re thinking about business app development, you should have these five top programming languages in mind. You have many other options, too, but JavaScript, Golang, Flutter, Python, and React are considered the best.

Do thorough research if you’re on the fence about choosing one. They all have pros and cons if you look at them closely. Mind your needs and interests, and select the one that’ll fit your needs perfectly.