SDLC vs DevOps: The term Software Delivery Lifecycle (SDLC), as the name suggests, refers to the multi-step process that starts from source code, through software testing, packaging and beta, to deployment and production. The whole process is not the job of one man; In fact, it’s a collective effort that requires collaboration from developers and IT operations alike. Hence the term DevOps. Organizations have realized that the practice of systems administration has evolved into something fundamentally different. This is why organizations have started to adopt the DevOps practice, understanding that websites run better when deployed and operated in collaboration. Some people even believe that DevOps is a logical progression. If you want to learn more about the difference between SDLC and DevOps, visit the Apiiro website.

SDLC vs DevOps

What is DevOps?

Before looking the difference between SDLC vs DevOps, lets first look what is DevOps. DevOps isn’t exactly a role, and it’s more of a buzzword that gets used a lot these days. DevOps is a culture, a world in which developers, quality assurance (QA) and system administrators work more closely together than in traditional working environments. Furthermore, devOps is a mixture of ideas, practices, and tools that increase an organization’s ability to deliver products at peak efficiency. It practice focuses on making the SDLC (Software Delivery Lifecycle) as smooth and effortless as possible.

By unifying development and operations, it aims to eradicate the organizational silos that prevent companies from experimenting and trying new things, thereby making them more competitive as more effective functions appear more frequently, Errors can be rectified quickly, and even minor hurdles can be rapidly eliminated. Furthermore, it fosters a culture of innovation that encourages automation of various processes within an organization, allowing development and operations teams to work together to develop, test, and deploy software faster.

What is SDLC?

SDLC stands for Software Development Life Cycle means a series of changes in one’s life. Either living, non-living, or any process with a series of steps or a sequence of operations. These sequences are a kind of sign that there is a specific start and endpoint. On the contrary, one can say that the given process contains a sub-process. It’s a life cycle. Finding out what a lifecycle really does moves the discussion towards software development.

When it comes to development models, there are no defined rules that speak in favour of a different model, or one particular model is better suited than the other (agility is an exception). Let’s look at some models –

Waterfall model – the oldest

  • V-model
  • Spiralmodell
  • Iterative
  • Agile

Stages in the SDLC discussion

  • planning
  • System analysis and requirement
  • Design
  • coding or development
  • integration and testing
  • operation and maintenance

The above process can also be listed as follows –

1. Planning

Before physical evidence emerges, there is always a plan behind it. The planning begins before the paperwork starts. In this phase, only the superordinate details are taken into account from the perspective of the projects. An enthusiastic group of members is behind this phase. All the pros and cons of the projects are considered, how the ROI can be maximized, and how this can be achieved. Also, a lot is reworked and checked here in order to remove any obstacles to the success of the project. The bottom line is: ahead of the idea is turned into reality, it should have concrete reasons to be successful. Planning, in turn, depends on the nature of the outcome. For example, when new software is created, the planning differs because the market study is very important.

2. Analysis

Once the planning section is complete, the analysis follows where the dedicated teams perform multiple tasks before coming up with a concrete solution. Here the feasibility study of the project, estimation work, costing, needs assessment and scheduling are carried out. The intention is to carry out a final check before the work begins. If there are deficiencies, fix them by communicating with the development team and stakeholders. Find out the pros and cons.

3. Design

Now the condition is clear, and the team would like a reference before working. The designers play a crucial role. What the software will do (functionality), how many screens there will be for each section, user interactivity, and every detail is designed. Suppose a client asked for mobile flight booking software, and the requirement is clear that the designers design the screens to cover the functions handled by this software. The designers create layouts, work plans, process diagrams, pseudocodes, and various other types of design documentation. Those responsible choose the best.

4. Coding

At this point, most of the vital decisions have already been made. The design work should be replicated in a working software in this phase. Here, the developers play a major role in creating reusable codes. Many discussions about a framework and the most appropriate methods to build a working software will be covered. These are programming tools used by the development team: compilers, debuggers, interpreters. I want to make my readers aware that developing fully working software is neither easy nor small. A large part of the work is available so that the development team breaks them down into smaller deliverables and prioritizes them based on need or urgency (can also be rated by how vital the functionality is, i.e. how highly rated that particular functionality is). Remember that this is the longest phase of the development cycle.

5. Testing

This is the phase where the STLC occurs. This segment is all about testing the developed working software before it is pushed to the customers or end-users. There are different types of testing methods that are performed here by the testers to detect possible bugs in the software.

6. Maintenance

This is a type of customer service. Just as we buy any bike or car and after a year if a problem prevents it from working correctly. Problems like this keep coming up. Any bugs encountered when the client is using the software, and any upgrades or improvements that may be needed in the future are fixed here.