Maximize Your Crypto Trading Signals

Trading cryptocurrency is more effort than a lot of people realize. It takes careful planning and research, like any other kind of trading. The good news is that crypto trading signals can help you to avoid the worst of it. Crypto trading signals are signals created and issued by a signal provider. The signal provider does all the research and then alerts users on the best trade to make, including a buy-in price and sell-targets.

Keep in mind that signals are made for specific exchanges. You would need an account with the right exchange as well as the right signal provider, but most major providers serve the major exchanges. Once you’ve got an account with an exchange, here are five ways you can maximize your crypto trading signals.

#1. Find The Right Signals For You

The expert analysts and traders behind these exchanges are the pros when it comes to sorting through information, creating trading signals, and sending them out. There are a number of different providers out there offering their own tips on the thousands of different types of crypto pairs people can trade on. It’s worth taking the time to learn more about how crypto interacts with other instruments and how the provider gets their information.

If you are going to spend money on service – and this is a service – you want to be able to use that service as much as you can. If your strategy is to trade lesser-known cryptos and illiquid assets, then you shouldn’t go with a provider that spends all their time looking at common pairs such as bitcoin to dollars. Find the right service for what you want to get the signals you need.

#2. Free Doesn’t Mean Better

As the old saying goes, if you’re good at something, you should never do it for free. Crypto trading signal providers took that message to heart. If someone was so good at finding profitable signals, why would they simply hand out that information for free for everyone? We’re all in the business of making money, and no one stands to make money by giving something away for free.

This doesn’t mean that you should find the most expensive service either. If anything, there are a number of free communities and solutions that can help. These places are good starting points to get to grips with the idea of crypto trading signals. Just don’t put too much stock into their advice. Start out free and move on to someone who charges a fair amount for their knowledge when you are ready to move on.

#3. Ask Around

Anyone who has spent time in the crypto community knows that the people there are friendly and welcoming. The internet is an excellent source of information on anything, and crypto trading signals are no exception. Get involved with online communities; find social media groups and boards, and read reviews. Don’t be afraid to ask people for any tips and tricks they might have on where to find signals and how to make the most of them.

The crypto trading community is thriving. These people are sure to welcome you with open arms and offer any advice that they can. Don’t forget to pay it forward and help out the new newbies when you become an expert!

#4. Don’t Be Afraid of Machines

Machines make for surprisingly good traders. Computers are better at processing information and learning from it. You can use machine learning in your efforts to find and use crypto trading signals to your advantage.

Rather than paying a provider for their trading signals, you could pay to have someone make an automated trading strategy or trading robot for you. Automated trading software can be tailored to your specifications and programmed to find the best trades for you. What makes bots such a good idea is that they can keep running on their own, handling everything in the background while you go to work and do anything else you need to do.

#5. Choose Between Quality and Quantity

Some signal providers choose quantity over quality. They send out dozens of small trades where subscribers can make a small amount here and there in the hopes of making a significant profit overall. These services wouldn’t be much use to someone who wants to get the most significant returns on their trades.

Those people are better catered by groups that focus on these large trades. The big trades don’t come around as often, but they are there. Deciding if you want a lot of small trades or a few big trades can be a good starting point.


There’s no such thing as a “one size fits all” trading strategy for anything, including cryptocurrency. It’s good that there are plenty of signal providers so that you can choose the right one for you. Keep these tips in mind to not just choose a crypto trading signal provider, but also make the most out of their advice.