The trend of online shopping across the globe is the major driver behind the growing number of e-commerce providers and e-commerce websites today. With the increasing demand for e-commerce development, the demand for Magento development company has also increased manifold in the recent times. While Magento is an open-source CMS (Content Management System), it is still considered as a highly complex environment for e-commerce development even today.

In comparison with other e-commerce development options, Magento is way more competent and capable when it comes to user capabilities, SEO, customizations & modifications, orders & shipment automation, coupons, upsell, product types, and many more. However, the immense possibilities that Magento brings also introduce certain complexities as well making Magento highly suitable platform for developers and quite challenging to operate and set up independently.

While using Magento may be quite straightforward if you use it on a regular-basis, you will need to hire Magento developers forstarting the structure & development of e-commerce solutions initially.Having said that it is important to mention that finding a competent and capable developer may not be as easy as it appears at first. There are several things that will need your consideration when you decide to hire dedicated developers for your Magento project.

What to Consider Shen Searching for Magento or Magento 2 Development Company or Developers for Hire?

  1. Know your requirements

Much before you start searching and contacting Magento developers or companies and ask for the quotes, make sure you have understood your requirements well. Take you good time to chalk out a clear plan detailing all your needs and expectations from the developer or Magento development company you hire. Knowing what you need will help you shortlist and match the developers and Magento companies that fall in your search criteria. Consider all the focal points, sweep-spots,and challenges of an online store before you hire the developer to start the work. And, don’t forget to note down all your priorities, deadlines, milestones, and budget to decide better.

  1. Gather a list of potential developers

Just as you might do when looking for something precious, make sure you seek your trusted sources’ (friends, family, and trusted colleagues) recommendations about the best Magento developers (they might know) for setting up your online store.

But sometimes these people may end up sharing biased recommendations, hence it is better to connect with a trusted web development company with experience in online store development using Magento or Magento 2.

  1. Go for certified developers

Whether you want to hire Magento 2 developers or Magento developers for your project, make sure you shortlist only the certified ones. Magento certified professionals are considered highly skilled. The certifications differ across Magento expertise levels.

  1. Choose a company instead of just the developer

If you aren’t sure about the level of expertise Magento developers with different certifications and levels of expertise might possess, it is better to go for a trusted Magneto or Magento 2 development company instead.

Hiring a Magento development company would be your best bet towards getting your project accomplished by the best people in the industry because they have already been there doing web store development for several clients like you. Furthermore, such a company would ideally employ Magento developers at different levels of skills and that would help you get the best value for your money.

  1. Client testimonials are important

The developers or development agency that you shortlist may claim to be the best in the industry and boast of their expertise in the domain. But, would you simply go by what they say? Exercise some prudenceand take your time to check their past work and what their clients (current and past) have to say about their expertise and professionalism.

Customer reviews and testimonials hold great importance but you just cannot trust the written words blindly because each customer has different expectations and project goals. So, you would rather check their past projects (the portfolio) to catch a glimpse of their work. Furthermore, if possible, ask your shortlisted developers/agencies to share their work samples and what difference will they make if you award your Magento development project to them? Their answer will help you determine how serious they are about the project(s) they receive and whether they are worthy of being hired or not?

  1. Long-term relationships are better

If, like most people, you also believe that online store development is a one-time job and that it’s a static structure that will continue to work automatically once you have it, this piece of information is for you. Well an ecommerce website or online store, if developed properly, will surely automate your sales process and you will not need the programmer’s assistance on an ongoing basis. But, your online store would eventually behave more like a living entity which is subject to get infected with viruses, vulnerable to the attacks by miscreants & hostile hackers, and sometimes just not well enough to work as expected.

You will need to ensure regular updates and renewals of license for extensions & themes or, maybe, just to add new features and revamp its look & feel from timetotime. Now if you hire a new Magento developer for the job, the developer will take time to understand the website first and then only will be able to make the desired adjustments to your store. But if you have a Magento development agency taking care of your store maintenance on a regular, ongoing basis, you are sorted and can relax as these things will be taken care of as part of their job responsibilities.


Whether you want to build an online store from the scratch or you want to improve & update your existing online store, you will need the help of experienced and competent Magneto developers. But hiring just any developer will not solve the purpose. It is, therefore, very important that you do your homework well before you start your search for the best Magento developer or Magento development company for your project.

Author BIO

Tarun Nagar

Tarun Nagar is the Founder & CEO of Dev Technosys, a global ranking Web and Mobile App Development Company. With 10+ years of experience of enabling then Startups which are now global leaders with creative solutions, he is differentiated by out-of-the-box IT solutions throughout the domain. He is known for his visionary qualities and adaptability for technology and trends, passionate as he is in every aspect dedicated to making IT simple, accessible and approachable for business enterprise