
Navigating Marketing Grants – In Singapore, the government actively fosters economic growth by supporting Small and Medium-sized Enterprises (SMEs) through various initiatives, including marketing grants.

These grants serve as a vital resource, aiding businesses in their efforts to innovate, expand, and thrive in an increasingly competitive market. Understanding the intentions behind these grants, how SMEs can benefit, and the array of available options is crucial for businesses seeking to leverage these opportunities effectively.

Intentions of the Singapore Government

The Singaporean government has a steadfast commitment to bolstering the country’s business landscape, recognizing the pivotal role played by SMEs in the economy. Marketing grants are a manifestation of this commitment, aiming to empower businesses by providing financial assistance and support to enhance their marketing capabilities. The overarching goal is to foster innovation, internationalization, and competitiveness among local enterprises.

Benefits for SMEs

SMEs form the backbone of Singapore’s economy, and marketing grants offer them a gateway to augment their marketing strategies without bearing excessive financial burdens.

These grants serve as catalysts for growth, enabling SMEs to:

  1. Enhance Brand Visibility: By subsidizing marketing activities, grants enable SMEs to amplify their brand visibility through strategic advertising campaigns, digital marketing initiatives, and participation in trade shows or exhibitions.
  2. Foster Innovation: Grants encourage SMEs to adopt innovative marketing techniques, explore new markets, and embrace digital transformation. This enables them to stay ahead in a rapidly evolving business landscape.
  3. Expand Reach: Financial support provided through grants empowers SMEs to explore international markets, facilitating export promotion and global market penetration.
  4. Improve Competitiveness: With access to funding for training programs and consultancy services, SMEs can equip themselves with the latest industry insights and skills, enhancing their competitiveness.

Samples of Marketing Grants Available in Singapore

Enterprise Development Grant (EDG)

The Enterprise Development Grant is a comprehensive grant that supports projects across various business aspects, including marketing. It assists SMEs in upgrading their capabilities, innovation, productivity, and overseas expansion. Under EDG, businesses can receive funding support for qualifying projects, such as branding and marketing strategy development, digital marketing initiatives, and participation in international trade fairs.

Productivity Solutions Grant (PSG)

While not solely focused on marketing, the PSG aids SMEs in adopting pre-approved digital solutions and equipment that enhance productivity and competitiveness. This grant covers various sectors, including retail, logistics, and food services, providing support for the adoption of digital marketing tools and solutions aimed at improving overall business efficiency.

Market Readiness Assistance (MRA) Grant

The Market Readiness Assistance Grant supports SMEs in their internationalization efforts by providing funding for overseas market promotion activities. This grant assists businesses in areas like market assessment, market entry, and marketing strategies for targeted overseas markets.

Capability Development Grant (CDG)

The Capability Development Grant focuses on helping businesses develop capabilities across various areas, including marketing. It supports SMEs in areas such as brand development, market access, and market expansion strategies. The grant assists in funding consultancy services and capabilities upgrading initiatives related to marketing.


Navigating Marketing Grants in Singapore epitomize the government’s commitment to nurturing the growth of SMEs. These grants serve as indispensable tools for businesses seeking to bolster their marketing endeavors, expand their reach, and fortify their competitiveness in both local and international markets.

By leveraging these grants, SMEs can navigate challenges, embrace innovation, and embark on a trajectory of sustainable growth, contributing to the dynamic business landscape of Singapore. As the government continues to evolve these grants to align with changing market trends, SMEs are poised to benefit and thrive in the ever-evolving global marketplace.